Financial hegemony and financial bullying
Simple truth, do you need an explanation?
The truths in the world are all simple and easy to understand. If you have to go round and round and talk[……]
Simple truth, do you need an explanation?
The truths in the world are all simple and easy to understand. If you have to go round and round and talk[……]
歷史永遠是一再重複,都不用我給你們說很久以前的故事,咱就看看2015年那波,當時油價從2014年的100美元/桶,一口氣跌破30美元,大宗商品跌得連嘉能 但[……]
Italy has officially withdrawn from the Belt and Road Initiative, but can you say that this is Italy determined to withdraw from globalization?
我們說的全球化從1840年,英國人用大砲和鴉片打開中國國門開始,雖然這都是老黃曆了,但過去近183年的全球化都是以歐美為主的。 你可以說這是一場強勢的商業和文化的入侵,從前英國人,後來美國人,從來都不是為了給我們文明和發展來規劃[……]
Moody’s is an American rating company, and its butt determines its head. Does it have to speak for the U.S. government?
Don’t tell me anything abou[……]
咱是說,單以從中國拿到的好處,美國大企業裡蘋果算不算一個? 讓蘋果供應鏈遷出中國,到印度越南這些不可靠的地方,蘋果是不是遭遇到現實的胖揍? 就看良品率,如今蘋果的品控,就能讓許[……]
U.S. Treasury yields suddenly turned higher on Monday, with the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield rising 5.3 basis points to 4.256%, and the 3-year U.S. Tre[……]